

Ministries List
Ageless Ventures
The Ageless Ventures of St. Peter's are a group of seniors who are 55+ years and retirees who gather on or off campus on the third Thursday of the month in Sappington Hall. We share fellowship, information and fun! Our activities include a variety of interests such as a 50's Sock Hop, a St. Patrick's Day luncheon at a local Pub, Stations of the Cross for seniors, Keys game, as well as our group of Prayer Warriors. We find new interests to explore and have occasional presenters come to share their expertise with us. You are welcome to join us and be part of our Super Seniors.
Altar Linen Guild
The Altar Linen Guild is a small ministry that works unseen to support the liturgy by preparing the linens for Mass. We launder, fold and iron the sacred cloths used during the Mass according to Archdiocesan guidelines. During this time. we experience quiet, contemplative moments with the linens that touch Our Lord in His Real Presence.
Altar Servers
Altar servers serve at the Lord's table and must be in the 5th Grade or higher. Altar servers are an important part of the liturgy assisting the priest at Mass. During Mass they can be called on to lead the procession into church as the Cross bearer; assist in preparing the altar for the Eucharistic celebration; hold the Roman Missal for Father; and always serve reverently at the Lord's table.
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry serves as a source of support to those who have had a loss. Sympathy cards and helpful booklets and a series of bereavement books are sent to those who need support during these life experiences which are so difficult. Letting the grieving know they are part of a prayerful church family can be a small source of comfort. The Parish Nurse serves as the coordinator of the Bereavement Ministry.
Crossing Guards
The St. Peter's Crossing Guards are a group of dedicated parishioners who deal with the elements year-round, stopping traffic to allow folks to come and go to Mass. We have one core objective: to keep all in our parish family safe!
Elementary Education (catechists)
The catechists in this ministry provide Faith Formation for grades preschool through fifth grade, including Sacramental preparation for second grade students (First Reconciliation and Eucharist). They also instruct children in the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIC), conduct a weeklong Catholic Summer Camp (Vacation Bible School) and organize family events such as Advent/Lent interactive experiences, service nights, Trunk or Treat, and Family Nights.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are parishioners who have been Confirmed in the Church and are willing and able to take on the responsibility of assisting the Priest and Deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion. This responsibility includes standing in the designated places in the church to distribute communion, distribution to those who are unable to come forward if notified by an usher, and placing the vessels on the altar or in the sacristy for purification.
Flower Ministry
The Flower Ministry consists of volunteers who offer their time and creative talents to the church in preparing floral arrangements that adorn the altar on weekends, holidays, and special occasions. The members of the Flower Ministry host a Garden Tea annually as a fundraiser which helps to offset any expenses for flowers and materials. Donation of Flower Memorials from the generous parishioners of St. Peter's also help the Ministry continue other beautification projects at St. Peter's. The Ministry always welcomes new members with a passion for flowers and a desire to serve our Lord in this special manner.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry serves the communities of Frederick County and Carroll County, using donations, which are mainly provided by our generous parishioners. Donations have also been provided by numerous community an non-profit agencies, many churches in the community, and local famers who provide fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat and eggs. The Food Pantry is open on Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00pm. Families are provided with about 25 pounds of non-perishable food, meat, toiletries, fresh produce and eggs. The Food Pantry also provides full meals for families to cook at home for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Greeters serve at all the parish Masses to help direct visitors and new parishioners and answer questions. We offer the welcome of Jesus to all those who enter St. Peter's.
Handmaids of the Lord
The Handmaids of the Lord is a ministry named after Our Blessed Mother to follow her example of working together peacefully, quietly and prayerfully. We clean the church weekly by vacuuming, dusting and sweeping, as well as supporting each other through prayer and friendship - all in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. We so enjoy keeping God's church beautiful and welcoming. We invite you to join our team of Handmaids and serve Our Lord in this beautiful ministry.
Health & Safety Committee
The Health & Safety Committee
Knight Lights
The Knight Lights is the Ladies Auxiliary to the St. Peter Knights of Columbus Council 13290 and assists the Council by helping with its events and programs. The Auxiliary is active in a variety of social and charitable activities to give members an opportunity to become better acquainted, become more involved in the Council family, and support the parish and local community.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus, a Catholic Men's Fraternal Order, requires its members to be practicing Catholics. Its mission is "Together, we're empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community". The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, who needed to keep his Catholic men in the Church and to keep the family unit together. St. Peter the Apostle Council (Council 13290) is 20 years old and highly decorated. "We are men perpetuating our faith through the Knights of Columbus" in programs of Faith, Community, Family and Life.
Ladies Club
The mission of the St. Peter's Ladies Club is to prepare and serve funeral luncheons for the families of bereaved parishioners, and to be a resource for our Pastor, his staff, and the parish community, using our God given talents to assist and serve the needs and endeavors of our church. St. Peter the Apostle, all in His name.
The Landscaping Ministry supports St. Peter's maintenance supervisor in the maintenance and beautification of the parish campus. Sitting on nearly 15 acres, the campus has an ongoing need for trimming, weeding, and planting; to ensure that the outside of the buildings reflect the same love for the Lord as is evidenced by the other ministries at St. Peter's. No experience is required, and we welcome any level of assistance throughout the growling months of the year to accomplish this mission.
The responsibility of St .Peter's Lector ministry is to proclaim the readings, and occasionally the Prayer of the Faithful petitions, during the Liturgy of the Word part of Mass. The readings are the Word of God intended to nourish the faithful in the Church. Our ministry's aim is to proclaim the Word of God with conviction courage, and confidence so that the congregation can easily listen to and contemplate His message.
Meals Ministry
St. Peter's Meals Ministry serves our parish by providing meals to parishioners for any number of needs. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, having a baby, experiencing or recovering from an illness or surgery, or need a meal for another reason, we are here to help.
Music Ministry
The Primary mission of the Music Ministry is to lead the assembly in sung worship in the Liturgy. As part of the assembly, we help everyone respond confidently in the acclamations, litanies, responses, songs and hymns. With varying music styles, we assist in elevating the Liturgy to be a true prayer of thanksgiving to God the Father. At St. Peter's, our Music Ministry includes a Worship Band, Adult Choir, Easter & Christmas Children's Choir, Hand Bell Choir, Cantors, and Accompanists. All bring a sense of reverence, faith, love of the Lord, and extreme talent to the parish. "I will sing of your love and justice; to you, Lord, I will sing praise." (Ps. 101:1)
Parish Nurse
The Parish Nurse ministry is run by a professionally trained nurse, serving in a volunteer capacity. The mission of the Parish Nurse is to be a resource to the parish through her bulletin notes and home visits to those who are experiencing health issues. The Parish Nurse fields questions from parishioners about resources in Frederick and nationally; has coordinated educational programs, and flu shot clinics, and is part of a county interdisciplinary group called the Frederick Faith Community Partnership which disperses information on the needs in the community and how faith communities can help.
Pastoral Care (Communion Visits)
St. Peter's Pastoral Care Team's primary mission is to ensure that the elderly and infirm members of our parish family, who are homebound or hospitalized, receive the Eucharist on a regular basis as well as spiritual and emotional pastoral care. The importance of visiting those within our faith community who are advanced in age became significantly more apparent during the recent pandemic. So many in our parish family were forced to isolate themselves at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak due to the greater health risk the virus posed to them But a greater risk, which was perhaps unanticipated, was the risk to their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Even those who had the benefit of having family members nearby to check in on them still found themselves with long periods of time each day when they were alone. Therefore, it became apparent that reaching out to those who are forced to shelter in place, must be given priority. It is imperative that these most vulnerable members of our parish families and our community feel that they are loved, missed, and not forgotten. The pastoral Care team consists of our Pastor, Deacons, and several Lay Extraordinary Minsters of Holy Communion who visit our homebound parishioners regularly or those recovering from hospitalization or illness until they are able to return to Mass.
Pastoral Council
The St. Peter's Pastoral Council is a combination of both representatives of various parish committees/ministries and members appointed to serve a term on the Council. The Council meets monthly to advise the Pastor in such matters as are enumerated in the Pastoral Council Constitution. Of special note, the Council must discuss and approve the annual parish budget and advise the Pastor on any significant fiscal matters which may arise during the year. A wide range of experience of the council members is needed to support and plan for parish functions and projects. The Council encourages and promotes volunteering for the many ministries at St. Peter's as we continuously grow in faith and in our parish.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is our effort to return Love to Jesus, ever present to us in this great sacrament of His Love. His promise to always be with us, His plea, "Could you not spend one hour with Me?" are recognized in our Adoration Chapel. It is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, closing only during regular Mass times and inclement weather. Adorers reserve a specific hour, but during daylight hours, visitors are welcome. Here is His Humble Presence, we grow in knowledge of His Love for us and those we love, for those who are hurting, and for our world so in need of this knowledge. Here, at His Heart, in prayerful silence and gratitude, we return His Love, trusting in His care for everything and every need.
Prayer Partners
Two individuals are at the baptismal font after every Mass to pray with you for any prayer needs you have. The ministry serves as a welcoming ministry, helping people with their prayer needs.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a month in the Birch library. During meetings we share fun and fellowship while creating tangible symbols of God's love. Prayers and good intentions are knitted/crocheted into each shawl which is then blessed upon completion. Our shawls are intended to provide strength, faith and comfort and are given to those who are undergoing a difficult time. Come and find out that wrapping someone in a shawl made of your loving thoughts and prayers is not only a gift for the one receiving the shawl, but for you as well.
Respect Life Committee
The Mission of the Respect Life Committee (formerly Right to Life Committee) is to promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death in our parish and the greater community. We participate in 40 Days for Life, the National March for Life, the Maryland March for Life, the Life Chain, National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn and Spiritual Adoption, as well as support local pregnancy centers through material donations.
Sacristans are charged wit the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. They are also responsible for the timely preparation, smooth implementation and post-liturgy cleaning and restoration of the church and sacristy to an orderly pre-liturgy condition. This includes several duties for opening and closing the church building for Mass, such as preparing the environment including the altar, pulpit, and sanctuary in general for all liturgies; laying out linens, altar bread and sacramental wine, special seating, offertory tables and linens, and worship aides; and purifying all liturgical vessels.
Social Concerns Committee
The Social Concerns Committee (formerly Backpack ministry) integrates all aspects of the parish's outreach to those in need, incorporating both material and spiritual needs. The Committee coordinates parish social concern outreach efforts, such as the food backpacks to the schools, coat campaign, bags for the homeless, Christmas giving tree, outreach to the Rescue Mission, and the Easter Elderly giving tree. The committee makes recommendations to the Pastor on disbursement of Thrift Shop funds, and communicates social concern efforts, events, and information to the parish. If interested in getting involved in outreach in and around our parish community, please contact Deacon Jerry Jennings at 301-874-1755, or by email at Jerry.Jennings@archbalt.org.
TMIY - That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern, culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! The ministry meets weekly for a video presentation and small group discussions on matters of family and faith.
Thrift Shop
The mission of St. Peter's Thrift Shop is to provide the community with gently worn items at a very low cost. These items are largely donated by parishioners with the proceeds benefiting those most in need in and around Frederick County.
The Usher Ministry is dedicated to helping usher God's people into church as well as maintain an atmosphere of reverence an order before, during and after the Mass with a "ready to serve" attitude. The ministry offers fellowship with other sisters and brothers in Christ and an opportunity to serve God in His House. Duties of the Ushers include greeting worshippers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease, distributing materials related to the service, such as bulletins and handouts, receiving tithes and offerings, maintaining alertness for any emergency that may arise, directing individuals during and after the Mass, cleaning up the pews after Mass, and counting the members at each Mass for review by Father and the Liturgical Committee. Christ calls every member of the church into ministry . The church is a "kingdom of priests" (1 Peter 2:9). As ushers, we are minister of hospitality and caring in the church.
Welcome Home Committee
The Welcome Home Committee shall, in consultation with the pastor be responsible for establishing methods and monitoring progress in welcoming visitors and new parishioners to the parish. To help new and existing parishioners connect with opportunities and administrative services in the parish, and assist all parishioners in connecting to the mission of the Church.
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry aims to accompany our youth on their walk into deeper relationship with Jesus as His disciples, drawing them into all aspects of parish life, thereby inflaming our community to greater holiness. We encourage them to form intimate and profound relationships with Jesus through building a faith-filled community that draws in our youth and their families.